New digital veedor service

Good morning,

A Virtus Advocats sempre ens esforcem per estar a l’avantguarda de les darreres tendències i avenços en el camp del dret.

Therefore, we are pleased to announce that we now offer a new digital veedor service that acts as an administrative interlocutor with the Andorran Financial Authority (AFA) in applications for authorisation of activities related to the virtual assets, whether for the procedure of obtaining a licence to start the activity or for a case of regularisation of the activity.

With this new service, our clients can have the security and peace of mind of having a legal team specialised in this field, which will manage and coordinate all the necessary applications to the Andorran Financial Authority (AFA). They will also be able to access up-to-date and detailed reports on the status of their applications at all times, allowing them to keep abreast of the progress and decisions made in relation to their applications.

At Virtus Advocats, we are committed to providing effective and personalised solutions for each of our clients. If you need legal advice in the field of virtual assets, do not hesitate to contact us or visit our website to learn more about our digital veedor service. We will be happy to help you achieve your goals.


A professional team at your disposal.